PATA HAI has its own Publisher-Friendly Model

PATA HAI provides a digital web and mobile-distribution platform for original content from publishers around the world. We help publishers reach and retain new mobile audiences, without eating into their traffic or forcing them to share ad revenue.


The first click on an article always brings the user directly to the publisher’s own site. Publishers can also place advertising on PATA HAI, keeping 100 percent of the revenue.

Grow Your Audience

Promote your profile, gain followers, and increase your content distribution by adding PATA HAI Follow and Share buttons to your website. Create profiles for your editors, journalists, and influencers to increase your social impact. Package your content by manually curating magazines around big events, themes, or channels and promote them on your social media to further amplify your voice.

PATA HAI Insights

Partner publishers get access to PATA HAI Insights, our online dashboard service providing analysis on traffic, social sharing, and key metrics for their content.